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    Warning: Heavy themes of sexism, humiliation, violence, degradation, abuse, dub-con, non-con. None of the messed up things that take place in this chat are remotely condoned in real life. Respect the people around you, and just generally be nice to one another IRL

    Welcome to a world in a state of matriarchal dominance. In this world, men are considered to be inferior across much of the globe. But, they still have some rights. That is, outside of Misandry City. Though not officially named as such, the city is considered a paradise to those who know about it: an idyllic beach-front city nestled into a valley, where women could come, either to stay or to visit, and enjoy the local delights... like the fact that men have practically no legitimate rights to speak of.

    The city itself is a sprawling place, situated on a sprawling plain in a natural valley, and bordering on a wonderful beach! The only way in or out is via the single road leading into or out of the valley, after passing through a friendly border patrol to make sure nobody is smuggling anything (or anyone) out of the city. But what reason could you have for wanting to leave? The city has every amenity one could desire, from the comprehensive library to the wonderful museum, idyllic beaches to relaxing parks, wonderful cafés to delightful theaters. And, of course, the legal freedom to do basically anything you wanted to any cute boy that caught your eye, even in broad daylight.

    The rules of the city don't just apply to permanent residents, either. Any woman visiting the city is free to make use of and abuse any man she comes across, whether they be a local or otherwise. In fact, the city is a popular rehabilitation area for criminal men, as they can be assigned here form all across the nation to serve out their sentences via serving the community in whatever form the community deems appropriate. And, although this is still technically a crime, any men who might have been kidnapped and unwillingly brought into the city are subject to the very same lack of rights that prevent any other men from being able to leave the city. So, whether you're a resident of this lovely city, simply visiting (willingly or otherwise), or you're considering moving in, please enjoy your time here to the fullest extent!
    A paradise city in which men have no say and women live the high life. Come and join in on the depravity!
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    I'm the giant rat that makes all of da rules
    @aiba8339 4 years ago [All] Rats We're rats We're the rats We prey at night, we stalk at night We're the rats
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    Close your eyes, and imagine yourself in a place much simpler than where you are now. Somewhere less demanding, less complex. Somewhere you can be yourself, and feel okay just for a little while. You might be thinking "Does this place really exist?", and I say yes, my dear- it does.

    Far away on a planet turned Dreambubble there lies a sanctuary for those longing for that little place of peace. Here in the Land of Changes and Dreams, we guide you to a small retro-esc city bustling with life and *Hope* for a better future. Here, there are many other hopeless wanderers also seeking a place to finally rest and be free from all the stress and worry of the waking world. Grab a coffee, make a friend or two, stay awhile in your dream home, fall in love, the possibilities are endless and entirely up to you! This is a dream, after all, anything you wish for is possible.

    Once you spawn in you will notice your surroundings look a little bit like something you'd see in a cliche movie set in the city of Tokyo. There are many advertisements, colorful buildings, and a variety of cars and scuttlebuggies seeming to avoid you as you stand in the middle of the street. In the shops you can see various androids of all types, these are the current employees and are there to assist you in every shop/restaurant in the city. You will see people appearing and disappearing, all of a variety of species. From humans to trolls, to cherubs, to ancestors, this place was meant for you and people like you- all on this vast journey we call Life.

    In front of you, there is a coffee shop, locally owned and ready to serve you. To your right, restaurants and shops with decorated fronts line the streets. Their open signs flash and glimmer, beckoning guests inside to meander through their ghostly goods. Maybe you'll set up shop here one day if you decide. Looking further right and down the road you see a big sign with the letters LOTUS, flashing bright aquamarine and pink alternating colors. That place is a night club, somewhere you're bound to make many new friends- (or lovers) inside. To your left, a long road heading off into the horizon adorned with street lamps and road signs.

    Atop a hill not too far from the city, there lies a building. A large structure, high tech in nature, and very flashy. It has many windows and two large doors, standing approximately 10 feet tall and 4 feet wide. A reasonable size for the presumed guests who happen to be entering and exiting the building. You feel drawn to the building as if it was a beacon of light, and soon you are standing in front of the doors by some means of unexplainable bubble magic. Atop the large doorway, there are letters encrypted in both Alternian and English. They read:
    "To All Who Travel Here, May Hope Guide You Home", and in smaller font below it another phrase reads "Keep Moving Forward".

    Suddenly you feel a weight in your pocket, and a small vibrating sensation catches your attention. You reach in, and pull out— a phone and a strange keycard with your picture and information on it. This is not your own phone nor do you remember having this keycard, but allow me to explain:

    The first item is your bubblephone, your communication device that you will be using throughout your time here. You can only use this device while you are in this bubble, and it will disappear promptly after you leave to the waking world. But don’t fret! Everything on this device is saved accordingly. When you come back, it will look just as you left it!

    With this device you can register contacts with people who are currently in this bubble, you can also order food from the restaurants, video chat with a friend, and phone a taxi. All communication and restaurant apps have already been registered to your device, so everything is already set up and ready for you to use.

    The keycard! This is basically your ID for the bubble, there are instructions on the back entailing where and what you can use this card for. This allows you to buy food, access clubs, rent books, and much more. Every building has a keycard scanner! This is where the keycard goes. Since money is useless in this bubble, your keycard acts as a payment system. You can also access people’s houses with this card, however you must be on their guest list in order to do so. You have an app on your bubblephone that allows you to register specific people’s names on it, once said person’s name is registered, they will have access to your house via keycard. So if you make a friend, don’t forget to add them to your friends list! Below is a link to The AppStore where you can find explanations on the various apps on your phone. Will be updated accordingly as new apps show up.

    -> The AppStore <-

    So wandering traveler, I ask you.

    What will you do?

    ===> ??????

    You can either enter the home or explore the town! It’s entirely up to you, remember to ask before you enter someone’s rp :)

    LAYOUT STUFFS - The Bar - The House - Indoor Pool - Lounge Room w/ pool - The Basement - Bowling Alley - Grubby Mart - Roller Skating Rink - Hospital - Mountain Trail - Botanical Gardens - Retro Esc. Diner - Rotating Sushi Bar - Theatre - Sewers + Catacombs - Spa + Hotsprings - Garden Outside Manor - Radio Station - Concert Arena

    Everything listed above are basically the “Main Areas” you can go. BUT WAIT, there’s more! Below is a link to a Google document where you will find all the shops and restaurants owned by muses of fellow chat members. We highly advise that you look at this list so you aren’t confused about the layout. If someone asks or makes a comment regarding how ‘few’ places we have, we will point at them and laugh, then direct them to this list. Anyone confused about places mentioned but not seen in the list above will be directed to this list below. Please take the time to look at this list. Thank you!

    List of Shops and Restaurants!

    NOTE! If you would like a shop/restaurant you need to run it through a mod, who will run it through Wolf. The only requirements *at this time* are references (if you can find them) and a name for it. We’d prefer no duplicate shops, so if it’s already on the list we may not accept it.


    Woah! A Discord! Link
    The revival of the Bubble-fi chat for Homestuck/Hiveswap OCs!
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    They say there is a place at the converging of worlds where all manner of things are deemed acceptable. It is a place where those who have never known each other come to indulge in the true desires of their body and mind. It is also said that once there, willing or not, one may never leave. Not only does this place exist, you have found yourself in it. As soon as the gate was crossed you appeared at the front door. An endless property lay behind you, a grand manor in front. Both are infinite and yet somehow navigable. Welcome to the place where sinful lust is the norm. Welcome, to The Clandestine Manor.

    This is a multifandom extreme nsfw chat set in a place removed from any of the realities your character may be from.

    The OOC room: https://mxrp.chat/tcmooc#

    Discord link: https://discord.gg/x48afQSV

    The Games link: https://mxrp.chat/letthegamesbegin#
    CenturyLink is now Brightspeed in an epic Telco Collaboration
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    Welcome to Alternia Livin!

    This is a public memo likely found on a forum or similar site. Not much information was given on the purpose of the chat. Regardless, you decided to join!

    Keep in mind, this does take place on Alternia, therefore only trolls are allowed.

    On another note, this is Alternia! It's not very often you find kindness and uwuwuwuwu trolls, so keep that to a minimum. Embrace the inhumane conditions the planet holds!

    Reserves (NEW SHEET AS OF DEC 10.) You are in charge of updating your own character's information! Please take some time to make it look nice. :) If you have questions, please reach out to #95 on Discord.

    If a caste has no more available spots, it is full! do not add any additional slots. <== Be sure you are looking in the sheet marked "input" to view available slots!

    Discord Be sure to join the discord! Parp seems to die often, so its a good way to stay in contact!

    Royal decrees

    Modteam #1 Megs #35 Sam #95 Sasser #207 Matrix
    Slice of life on Alternia without SGRUB. Happy Holidays!
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    Test description, too! 1 Test description, too! 2 Test description, too! 3 Test description, too! 4 That's four lines done. And, now five. 5
    Hi! This is a test description. Do what you want.
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    Cannon Scott Pilgrim Takes Off post show Roleplay
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    A no SGRUB Hero AU set in Alternia!

    ===> RESERVES

    ===> DISCORD

    [QUOTE WALL] > Your name is MINDYA BIZNES you are EIGHTEEN.- VM

    | | V
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    We at H.A.P.L are the forefront of today's groundbreaking pharmaceutical technology! We utilize the hybridization of donated human DNA and our large collection of animal sequences to specialty craft subjects for pharmaceutical testing and advancements towards the human race! We aim to cure countless debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer's, Cancer, Arthritis, and more! Working here will get you an up close and personal way to see how the human genome reacts to its own evolution, and with this learned knowledge, we can spur the very foundation of our species into improving.

    Our employment branches include:
    Genetics and Immunology
    Developmental Biology and Ethology
    Toxicology and Pharmacology
    Biocontainment and Security
    And Human Resources

    Each Branch has it's own sub-studies you can delve into!


    Company Guidelines:
    Do not enter a cell without security detail.
    Do not let a subject "Wander Off". Many are highly dangerous.
    They are animals, not people. Do not go above your paygrade.
    Listen to your Curator. They know best.
    Subjects in Solitary are to be handled cautiously. Seek approval from Security Chief or CEO to transport.
    Here At H.A.P.L., we strive to provide the best care possible to the human race! (Multifandom - OC Friendly LAB RP)
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    ====> Be The Ominous One

    > You are now The Ominous One, though you'd prefer to be called by your name.

    Do you care to share?

    Yes [X] No [ ]

    Your name is Cassio Urania and you are the founder of this fun little group chat. You are delighted to see who will all join, though you have the vaguest idea on who might! An acquaintance of yours assisted in the making of this, allowing you to send out the invites accordingly! As sporadic as it may seem, it does have a rhyme and rhythm to it!

    Everything would go according to plan, as fate has already decided to pave the road for the following individuals. All you had to do left was sit back, relax and enjoy the show! Oh, and of course be the Guide they've always wanted!

    -- optimisticPseudoscience OP] has created a memo! -- -- optimisticPseudoscience OP] has added 12 pesterchums to the memo! -- -- optimisticPseudoscience OP] has set their mood to CHUMMY! -- -- optimisticPseudoscience OP] is no longer idle! --

    OP: :D!

    -- optimisticPseudoscience OP is now idle! --



    Kelsey For President
    I forgot to put One Human Avail!
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    The Amberwood Lodge is a multiversal hub, open exclusively to OCs from any or no fandom at all. Enjoy your time here, and thank you for checking us out!

    If you have any questions, head over to either the OOC chat or our DISCORD.

    MODERATORS: #1] Omo


    Community helpers are users that are entrusted with answering questions about the setting. They can only silence people in case it's necessary.

    ----- NOTE ----- The lodge doesn't look exactly like the images show, with those primarily being to show the layout and colours of the lodge, due to limitations in the Sims 4 base game. Of particular note, ignore the area surrounding the lodge in the images, as I can't do anything about that.

    For a full overview of the images, see here.

    ----- SIDE CHATS -----

    --------- ENTRANCE ---------

    Whether it appears on a wall, floor, or in the middle of some doorway or archway, after travelling through the portal you would end up in a rustic bedroom that looks something like this.

    On the dresser is a plate with a key and attached tag that's some colour or small object related to you, and a note saying “Use this to return to your room.”[/b] This will always be in an understandable form, be it a written language or a non-written form.

    After leaving your room, you find yourself in a hallway with lots of locked doors and a small desk. A book on the desk has the following written in it: “Request replacement and spare room keys by writing in here.

    The only two unlocked doors lead to the bathroom, and more importantly, the one that leads into the main living area.

    Full description here!

    --------- MAIN LIVING AREA ---------

    Once heading through the door, you find yourself on a raised platform at the top of some stairs, looking out across a large room that looks like this. Through the windows, a grassy area outside the property can be seen, and beyond that, a thick forest of tall coniferous trees.

    The desk at the bottom of the stairs has a book on it. It seemed to originally be a guestbook for the property, but at some point it got reused for people to write in entries for locations they've found.

    There is also a pinboard above the desk, which from time to time have things that visitors have pinned up on it.

    The single door won't open no matter what, while the double doors lead out to another hallway, through which you can reach the kitchen and grounds outside.

    The cabinets near the fireplace have everything needed to light a fire, along with board games and similar activities, and blankets and towels. The cabinet near the dining table has things to set the table, though plates and cutlery are in the kitchen. The cabinets and counter near the window have glasses, drinks, and things to mix them with.

    The cabinets and bookcases never have the exact same things between visits, but always have a similar set of items.

    Full description here!
    A multifandom OC chat, set in a lodge in a forest.
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    my bones are made of glass i break my legs every morning getting up for work
    oh god everything is broken (chat for beta ooc chatter ig)
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    You're a freak. A weirdo. Have you ever been without this cringe?

    The day you first made your trollian account, you were messaged about a memo for "people like you". Of course, the memo did not exist. But it's been a few sweeps, and suddenly a link appears. It's absolutely ignorable, but the memo link would just not appear if you were not going to click it at some point. You can leave, too. But it's always there...

    A session for CRINGE OCS. Like your blackbloods or dualbloods or skydwellers or shitty Kawaii Quest for Kokoro references. Just apply in the discord below and if you can justify your wild idea, you can play it! Wahoo! (Playing canon or versions of canon characters is also pretty cringe, or shipping your normal oc with one, for some more fun examples!)



    please be careful, okay? -- [] linked sgrubclient.exe and sgrubserver.exe! --


    discord (apply here!) sheet!
    CRINGE YOURE BRING CRINGE AAAAAA | cringe ocs fansession. our last spot was taken by user 69. nice.
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    you can use your bbcode stuff here. don't worry about it breaking or anything. it's just to practice to make sure you can use it properly in chats for rp or just as a cool prefix name.
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    WARNING: This chat is set in HELL if that wasn't obvious enough, there is going to be mentions of topics that are on the extreme side like non-con, violence, ect.


    Welcome one and all to Helluva Hotel, your friendly (and rather kinky) Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel based rp group! OCs are very much welcome and so are canon character doubles, and genderbends but PLEASE make sure that the character fits in the HH/HB universe and is a Hell born demon or a sinner (human that sinned in life, died, and was damned to Hell and became a demon). No random ocs that don't fit into the HH/HB universe which means they need to be a demon or a type of angel.

    Here in the depths of Hell you will find yourself in the Pride ring full of an assorted variety of Hell born and those poor sinners who died only to be turned into some of the many denizens of the Pride ring exclusively. One can get up to all sorts of mischief in hell whether it be of a violent or sexual nature or maybe one just wants to find their eternal demon sweetheart? There are so many possibilities when one lives in such a depraved realm.

    In the Pride ring one may visit quite a few places such as Pentagram City, Imp City and Cannibal Colony. Out of the locations between the three one could always visit the I.M.P. office, your local butcher shop, casinos, nightclubs, adult film studios, brothels, restaurants, television stations, and hotels, among which is the one and only Happy Hotel!
    Getting ready for Jan. 19th
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    There is nothing here, not even you. The Void may scream back.
    Sometimes a scream is necessary.
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    A message pops up on your Pesterchum application. You've been invited to a group memo.

    GG: Hello, hello. I friended you a long time ago, but never actually said anything... sorry about that. GG: I wanted to formally invite you to a memo of mine. It's about a new game they announced a beta test for, called SBURB. GG: It's strictly multiplayer, apparently, so... GG: I'll trade an early access key for your participation. It'd mean a lot. :)


    a human-only fansession with a bit of an ~eldritch vision~. this game has horror themes and elements! if that's not your cup of tea, perhaps another chat is best for you!

    instead of sburb being your garden variety manipulating-the-universe type deal, it's more of a portal to an eldritch dimension. every character is given their own personal "trials" (read: borderline psychological tortures): they're physically separated from each other on a planetary scale, their closest relatives are killed if they dare offer help, and they have a denizen of their world to offer them unknowable knowledge. you aren't even free from this realm in your dreams.

    the only hope is that somewhere, deep within the code, there is an answer. a way out. or perhaps, all you can do is play the game and hope you win.

    reserves: [x] discord: [x]

    quick note: up until entering the medium with a cruxite artifact, the session progress will be the same. game will start a week after the last reserve slot is filled, to allow for connections to be formed. planning server/client connections ooc beforehand is encouraged, but not required.
    new horror themed fansession! goths only /j [full!]
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    You are placed in a memo. Nobody seems to have put you there, and you're unable to leave. The only bit of information attached to the memo is a file: Sburb.exe. Also, there are aliens.

    DISCLAIMER!!! Don't expect this to be a session the our players win. This is a highly experimental session, one that'll be driven mostly by character interaction. If you want a planned and coherent story, this isn't the place for you!

    Upcoming events!





    -- chumHandle CH] joined the memo at [??:??:??] --
    NO PLAYER LIMIT! [population: 102] not every whore is whoreanon..... but every whoreanon is whore
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    And now, We return to our regularly Scheduled Programming

    Four months ago, after a long session of WEB BROWSING on the browser of your choice, you stumbled onto an old website that was still in net. https://www.skaianet/tryourgames/betas/sburb.com, and from that. You registered for the SBURB INFDEV Test build, ver.303-B. You signed up with an INSTANT MESSAGING ACCOUNT, an Email and your full named, and thought no more about it.

    Four months later, your messaging client of choice pings you, The invite blinks on the top of your screen tauntingly. +1 INVITE.

    == SKAIANET AUTORESPONDER has Invited YOU and 9 0thers to the memo "INFDEV TEST PLAYERS" Do You ACCEPT? ==

    YES / NO

    To run the Skaianet Autoresponder, please do !sknt or !sknt help for a full list of questions.

    The game will open in TWENTY FOUR HOURS.

    ORDER: brassInstrument CLIENT/SERVER seaboundRadical seaboundRadical CLIENT/SERVER tidalRythmn tidalRythmn CLIENT/SERVER totusTuus totusTuus CLIENT/SERVER tautologicalTycoon tautologicalTycoon CLIENT/SERVER matricidalHomekeeper matricidalHomekeeper CLIENT/SERVER nominalVaquero nominalVaquero CLIENT/SERVER magnificentMerlion magnificentMerlion CLIENT/SERVER orneryOcculix orneryOcculix CLIENT/SERVER belovedMelodist belovedMelodist CLIENT/SERVER undeadSpecialist undeadSpecialist CLIENT/SERVER eternalEquinox eternalEquinox CLIENT/SERVER austereAnonymity austereAnonymity CLIENT/SERVER InkyDefacement InkyDefacement CLIENT/SERVER brassInstrument


    That's it. That's the lore.

    On Your Own Time is a fairly Unguided fan session, the only mandatory aspect of the session is that you get into the medium, otherwise. Feel free to progress at your own pace, however, as it is "unguided," it is not completely 'DM free.' The world will react to certain parts and actions as players get further and further into the session.



    HORNY JAIL (nsfws room for 3+ people horni-ing)
    (Mostly unguided fansession) - WE'RE ACTUALLY FULL THIS TIME
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    A grand new adventure is set out before you, A whole region of fertile and fuckable, submissive and breedable, Dominant and delicious pokemon for you to drool over.

    Primarily a pokemon themed chat, Use of non-pokemon characters in the roles of trainers is of course allowed.
    Gotta fuck em all, The mantra of the enlightened.
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    Hub comm of all Foundation Sites. All rp is based in their respective Site transfer from one site to another muse be announced but once in your site you may be contained, Class must be specified: Safe Euclid, Keter. Gaurds and MTF though we have them all npc, you MAY be any of these just know your role and do not act outside your paygrade or face disciplinary action or be D-class, not all D-class are executed, only those pulled from death row provided during their stay they are not found to be wrongly accused. WE HAVE AMNESTICS FOR A REASON.

    Check you site Listing for your caontainees

    https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/ this site is a new viewers best friend.
    Pick your Foundation site as per SCP canon, and pick your role among the many. all canon and oc welcome but know, anyone can be Secured, Contained, So the world or Yourself is Protected.
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    Make sure you read the rules first.

    You now find yourself in The Haven, a small town built around a large mansion where everyone is welcome and free to explore as they like. You can enjoy the many forms of entertainment offered, volunteer for one of the many things that need maintaining/working on, or simply have lots and lots of gratuitous sex with the other people here in The Haven.

    Despite being labelled as NSFW extreme, SFW rp is also very much allowed, if you don't feel like doing smut 100% of the time.

    Map coming soon.

    Join our discord, if you like

    Yes. We are that Haven. We have decided to rebrand to distance ourselves from the word that we decided to drop because it is kind of cringe.
    Multifandom chat set within a small town surrounding an enormous mansion. Doubles and OCs welcome, sfw and smut rp are allowed.
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    This is a chat based on one of my favorite magical girl concepts, League of Legends’ Star Guardians skinline. Don’t worry, though; you don’t need to know anything about League of Legends to leap into this chat. I’ve done some retooling to make this more accessible to people who are unfamiliar, so I’ll give you all the information you need, whether you’re someone who’s as big a fan of this mess as me, or someone who’s never even heard of LoL.

    "In the beginning of all things, the First Star gave its light to create the universe. New worlds were born - and with them, warriors imbued with the light of the First Star. These protectors are supernovas blazing bright, yet destined to collapse as furiously as they burn. They are the Star Guardians."

    "As a Star Guardian fades, their power is reborn in new protectors. Star Guardians are chosen for their strength and resolve, but above all, they are chosen for their courage. It often signals a cataclysmic battle elsewhere in the universe when multiple Star Guardians are chosen to serve at once."

    "Star Guardians are imbued with incredible power, but with it comes a lifetime of service to the universe. It is a life burdened by responsibility and fatal consequences. Although rare, a Star Guardian may reject their fate as a protector. However, the results of such an action reverberate across the universe and beyond."

    "Star Guardians can only defeat the darkness that spreads across the universe if they stand together. They will fight as one or fall as many."

    The Darkness

    Valoran City



    we reach out for the same horizon
    In a vast and dark universe, young warriors are chosen by fate to protect the light of the stars. They are destined to burn bright, but collapse as furiously as they shine. | Magical Girl Multifandom and OC Chat
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    "There's no such thing as being alone in the universe, and so there's no such thing as creating alone. Everything - every impulse, every creative gift of beauty, everything is a co-creation. - Author: Gary Zukav "

    To say we're alone in the universe is wrong, we are not alone in the universe. We have other people, we have the gift of humanity, the desire to bond together and co-operate at a fundamental level, it is how we have come this far, simple creatures containing their base instincts to reach for the stars colaberatively.

    With many things this teamwork, this desire for more. The desire for divine meaning, purpose, to make sure that short lifespans are remembered by the rest of us. Be it to do great things, to find those who are out there in the universe. However, often times there wells up a group who are not fit to lead, the odd one out in every scenario who needs someone to guide them, or should not be left to their own devices. Throughout history many of events have been avoided by taking these individuals and using them to their advantage, moderating and subduing them.

    Once more, the world is ending, and now these individuals have been left to their own devices. Their guide is dead before they even had a chance to say hello, and the difficulty is way up. The session is winnable. But the chances of success do not look pretty.


    Welcome to "HOW DOES THIS TURN INTO A DUB?" A fansession designed on two things, Taking your favourite little skrunklies. Alternatively your Blorbos, Grimblos and Skrimblos, and putting them in the same room as some other fucked up skrimblos, and making them have a functioning dynamic. Punching them while they're down and making them cope with the end of the world.

    There's no guide, for these unlucky souls the guide died long ago, leaving them with a guideless game to figure out as they go. Learning is done on the fly, alongside that. They have to navigate a game left on SUPER MEGA DIFFICULTY (yes, that is the unironic name of the difficulty.) Just below a void session, the Enemies are tanked up, the damage is cranked, and they spawn in greater numbers.

    Of course, there is a reward for this, Grist varieties are much more common, and a singular kill will net you a good chunk of XP for that echeladder due to the games settings, so progression can be taken as fast or slow as the individual wants,


    a bunch of insane skrimblos - FULL - yippe for the parpvival!
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    A Dungeons and Dragons-based chat, Dreniton's Institute of The Arcane is a world-renowned academy that takes place in Elzoria, particularly in the capital of Allia. The Main Campus is rather expansive but is mostly accessible by foot. It is located near the center of The Coatl District of Siedes. The school's colors are violet and orange and the college mascot is the Dryad. The school has three residence halls and six academic halls.

    Dreniton's Institute Official Discord Server!

    Residence Halls: -Budview: The Freshman Dormitory -Blackmoore: An Upperclassman Dormitory -Titanvale: An Upperclassman Dormitory -Willgrove: Faculty Housing

    Campus Aesthetic_Suggested by Valentin Academic Halls: -Dreninton Hall: Where orientation initiates, holds the Auditorium and various areas dedicated to the school's history. -Purhan Hall: The Martial Department -Harmony Hall: The Evocation and Conjuration Department -Morwill Hall: The Illusion and (Ethical)Necromancy Department -Ogduk Hall: The Apothecary Department, Garden and Greenhouse -Aéfir Hall: Mystic Art Department

    Notable Mentions: -The Courtyard -The Planetarium -The Library and Cafe -The Dining Hall

    In Regards to Faculty and Staff: Currently, these roles are reserved for Mods only and will remain so until further notice to avoid abuse of power over other player characters. However, this could be due to change in the future.

    -Character Roster-

    !Clubs! -Student Council -Yearbook -Occult Club -Taxes and Townhomes(D&D, but Modern) -Tyr Inguz Fehu (Frat House) -Phase-ball -SpearLeaders -Extra Life(Healers committee)

    OOC Chat

    -Purhan Hall- Weapons Training and Safety Physical Education 101 Ways to Kill the Caster Dungeoneering Basics s of Tactical Movement Information Gathering and Ethical Torture

    -Harmony Hall- Mathamancy and Sacred Geometry Intro to Evocation Basics of Magical Theory Keeping your Meatshield Happy Theology Nursing on The Battlefield

    -Morwill Hall- The Planes & You Rites and Rituals The Inner Workings of Illusions Intro to Raising The Dead Demonology Dimensional Manipulation

    -Ogduk Hall- Classes Intro to Apothecary and Botanica Alchemy and Transfiguration Infusion and Atunement Foraging on The Field Monstrology Wilderness and Dungeon Survival

    -Aéfir Hall- Classes Elzorian History and Lore Arcane Arts Art History Glamours 101 Mystical Theater Music Theory
    A Dnd College Themed Chat! Character Slots bumped up to five!
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    The Overflow is a fansession! And like our neighbours, this one has a twist! We have virtually no character limitations and no confirmed ending! Officially, we allow two players with each classspect combination per species. That gives us an initial 864 open slots which is basically unlimited!(No Lords or Muses though) Considering the setting, we allow OC trolls, humans and cherubs from any origin: Beforus, Alternia, Earth, Earth-C and the Medium! Non-player species such as carapacians are also welcome! See the rules for more.

    The Overflow is a simple concept. You’ve heard about Null or Void sessions of SBURB and SGRUB? Well most of these sessions are actually playable, but they’re famously soft-locked. An large number of these sessions will eventually end up fused into the Overflow’s Medium. A dumping space for all corrupted and unplayable sessions and their players. Players and their planets are brought and spawned in the Overflow instead of your regular session. As a player, you may have caused this by creating a failed session on your own, or without having fulfilled any of the prerequisites. Some even claim to have hacked the game, and got punished for it.
    In other words, Whether you just started an unwinnable session, or yours has been broken beyond belief, Your player and their planet have been transported to the Overflow. A room is assigned to your dream self on either set of 12 Prospits and Derses and you’re sent on your way. The gates on your planet still work for on-planet transport, but their network has become a mess of interplanetary teleportation. Your Denizen and quest have been kept in the state they were in before joining the Overflow, and some players have apparently been able to reach God Tier. The Veil is much larger than any other session, an almost impassable sphere of meteors enclosing the play space. Skaia, meanwhile, does not exist. In its place a “white hole” of infinite density, giving light to the session, while remaining foreboding in its ever present uncertainty when you look to the sky from your planet. You are trapped here, until either your death, or someone finds a way to escape… or win.

    Character Sheet
    Welcome to the Overflow! This is a large-scale unlimited all-species fansession! We have virtually unlimited slots for your original characters of any species! Your character will join a special game of SGRUB or SBURB which may or may not be possible to win!
  • Logs

    Welcome to the Recondite Grande. A luxury train, servicing... Well, we'll worry about your stop later. Why spend so much time thinking about the end of your trip already, right? The whole point of a luxury train is the journey, the experience! Only a fool would get such an exciting ticket and not make the most of it, you know? So please, kick back, relax, make use of all the facilities available!

    The train is a luxury experience, with several dining cars, lounge areas, and of course, rooms for all riders. The rooms come complete with an en suite that even includes a shower. Your luggage is neatly tucked away safely, and the wardrobe is full of several changes of clothing. You're not normally this neat...? No, no, don't- don't worry about it, haha! The windows show a lovely view of the countryside, raw nature in its purest form. Trees, mountains, and fields fly by. Where...? A-Ah, does it matter? Beauty is beauty, regardless of location.

    For one reason or another, you've come on board this lovely train. Maybe to relax. Maybe because you have somewhere to go. Maybe, because you have somewhere you need to leave... Perhaps, you don't even really know. But do you need a reason to ride the train, really? Huh? You... You don't remember buying tickets? No, no, you definitely did. Perhaps you're just sleep deprived at the moment. Train lag, am I right? Haha...

    The cars speed along the tracks. The scenery flies by.

    At the front of the train, the door to the conductor's room is blocked off by a metal door adorned with a ∅. You don't notice it, of course. You aren't supposed to notice it. It's just a normal door. It's locked; you can't just barge into the conductor's room! Don't worry. You have to escape. Everything is fine. The train accelerates. Just relax. This isn't right.

    Your stop is a long way away.

    REALIZATIONS CLEARED: <The Heart to Maintain Justice>

    JOIN THE DISCORD IN CASE PARP DIES and also to shitpost/rp there when ur not in the mood for parp JOIN JOIN JOIN OR DIE refrigerator count: like a gazillion and one


    NOTE: if you need anything at all, the people you can go to if you need something or if there's trouble are: your lovely chat creator, #1, is mouse, #10 is val, #13 is a plane, #21 is kel,and #309 is selkie!

    Extra: here are some fonts that work on bbcode! dont know if they all do but most do!
    A multifandom set on a luxury train! Come on in. Don’t mind the crack inducing slot-machine, it will only produce a shlong 5% of the time.
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    Reserves Discord

    Takes place in a different little timeline where Security Breach kind of happened but the pizzaplex didn't go to shit simply for a good setting. A ballpit in the Daycare has seemingly gained a strange power, pulling people from alternate realities into this one.

    There isn't a lot to put here, I prommie, plot will be added when it happens- Otherwise it's just a blank chat just starting <3!!
    Multi-Canon FNAF Chat. Allowed Media: Human OCs (No Aftons/Emilys/Etc), Characters from the Book Trilogy, Fazbear Frights, and Tales, Characters from the games, Characters from the film, and characters from Fangames (Within Reason) are allowed. (No Fan AUs like Human!Freddy)